solo exhibition
Museum landhuis oud amelisweerd ,Utrecht 2023

Intertwined Phenomena, Part III: Holobiont
sculpture made during our residency in Museum landhuis oud amelisweerd Utrecht

Amidst the beautiful wallpapers in Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd, multiple organisms have gathered. They have come together to witness the ultimate merge between man and nature. A new ecosystem has formed, capable of support lifeforms of all different kinds.

After a residency of three months in Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd, we produced our most ambitious sculpture to date. Measuring almost four metres tall, it embodies a presence that is almost out of this world. Made from deadstock fibers, it symbolizes the final merge of human and vegetal shapes into one new organism.

This sculpture was on exhibition in Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd in november 2023. In 2024 it will be showcased in trainingcenter de Baak in Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Tufted sculpture made and exhibited at Museum Landhuis Oud Amelisweerd Utrecht. 3m x 4m. Woolen and synthetic yarn, tufting fabric, glass beads, amethyst beads

collaborative project with edo verhoeff